The Title Report

The Tile Report’s Mark Lowery Suggests Being A Part of the Solution

Reading the news often can be depressing. In fact, we probably all know people who purposely avoid the news. It seems like we can’t escape news about the growing homelessness problem, crime, communities ravaged by drug use and political and international strife. It’s not like covering our eyes and ears will change anything, but tuning some of the news out can provide a temporary respite from feeling overwhelmed. That’s one reason why I’m always encouraged when I read or pass along news about companies doing their best to uplift the communities in which they operate.  Many companies in the title [...]


October Research 20th Anniversary Sweepstakes

What is your wining strategy? Are you a by stander or a player?  Are you the person that loves a raffle, giveaway, sweepstakes or a random lottery ticket?  Well, if you are, then this is your LUCKY day. We are celebrating our 20th Anniversary and delighted to unveil our sweepstakes where you can win your way into NS3 2020.  You heard me right, FREE entry into the NS3 conference!  We also have many other prizes. First Place - Five winners will receive a six month digital subscription to any October Research publication in 2020. Second Place - Ten winners will receive [...]


Kraninger – What’s in a name?

In what direction will Kathy Kraninger take the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)? Just about everyone probably is wondering the answer to that question. Will she continue the bureau’s “hear no evil, see no evil” stance adopted by acting director Mick Mulvaney? Or will she position the bureau as the consumer watchdog it had been under former Director Richard Cordray? If Kraninger's first publicized decision is any indicator; Americans may have gotten an arbiter of common sense. Photo Cred: CFPB Without disrespecting Mulvaney or President Donald Trump, Kraninger put a halt to an initiative to change the name of [...]
