What is your 2020 New Year’s Resolution?

Do you have a personal goal that you would like to reach?

  • Weight loss
  • More exercise
  • Eating better
  • Quitting a bad habit
  • Get more sleep/ having less stress

How about a professional goal that takes your career to the next level?

  • Improve work skills
  • Strengthen professional relationship and teams
  • Gain new experiences
  • Earn a promotion / raise
  • Increase your department /team performance
  • Own your own business

Whatever your resolutions are, similar rules apply to all of these. It is up to you to set your own goals, hold yourself accountable and follow through. Let’s walk through the steps. They are simple to read and write, but sometimes difficult to enact.

  1. Set an achievable goal.
  2. Write yourself a contract, blog or post about it on social media, do anything that sets you on the right path to earning your goals and moving forward.  You are more likely to follow through if you are pledging to do so.
  3. Create a plan. This should be bigger than a vision board.  It should be realistic, sustainable, have milestones and a finish line.
  4. Celebrate and measure as you go. Give yourself an Atta boy as you achieve small goals on your road to success.  Don’t sabotage yourself and keep going.

These techniques are by no means profound. We just need to be reminded every now and again, that we CAN do it. Remember, there is no miracle elixir; it is just hard work and stick-to-itiveness!

Happy New Year! Wishing you good health, prosperity and reaching your goals.