Dear Readers,

It is not an easy task to find silver linings pertaining to the country’s pandemic of 2020,
and all that it took away or altered regarding one’s personal and professional life.
The COVID-19 coronavirus is still a major disruption as businesses everywhere
keep looking for a way to sustain, survive and keep its doors open. For those in
the real estate appraisal world, it has been difficult indeed praying that such a door
does not get slammed permanently in one’s face. Many, though, continue to remind
appraisers that with all of the negativity and setbacks facing those trying to make a
living, the pandemic has brought about one constant-new opportunities.

Every person has the capacity to see a positive in terms of finding an alternative
way to succeed. If anything, the “new world” thrust upon us stemming from the
effects of COVID-19 has enhanced the importance of what an old adage states either
you let things happen, or you make things happen.

Last year, Valuation Review decided to don the hat of the appraiser and actually
spend time with a veteran professional, in addition to accompanying the appraiser
to homes to assist in the overall process. Well, our “new” environment would
not allow for a true follow-up story to the “Appraiser for the Day,” article, so we
decided to spend time with a staff appraiser, virtually speaking. Again, finding a
way to get things done.

In an upcoming issue, our readers will have the opportunity to read the virtual
story as we “Zoomed” in on Clear Capital’s Chief Appraiser John Brenan, and
staff appraiser Alicia Roberts of Clario, a subsidiary of Clear Capital. My virtual
appraisal outing was another unique experience, and very educational as Roberts
went through her typical day in front of her computer, while sharing key thoughts
about how advantageous hybrid appraisals are now with the arrival of COVID-19.

With regards to last year’s appraisal field trip, if I could have done things differently,
it would have been to wait until spring to visit homes, instead of choosing to do
that on a cold and snowy January day in Northeast, Ohio. Brenan quickly reminded
me that one advantage of hybrids is the ability for appraisers to avoid dealing with
the wintery weather elements. He also said that the flexibilities introduced during
COVID (opportunities) has truly allowed appraisers to “extend their careers.”

Be sure to look for our full story on the virtual adventure. And keep looking for
opportunities because you never know what you will find. The key is to keep
searching, and good things will eventually come your way. Keep me informed
about topics of interest to you. Stay safe and healthy!

Your valued editor,
Mike Holzheimer
Valuation Review Editor