If you missed the live webinar, the recording is available now and can be watched at your convenience!

The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act is layered and complex, but experts on the CARES Act For You webinar will decode this intricate bill and help get you started. If you are a small business owner with less than 500 employees, these industry leaders will outline the steps you can take to support your business. They will roadmap what your business is eligible for, explain how to start the process and outline the recovery plan. Learn about these topics and more:

  • How to work with your SBA lender
  • Exceptions and waivers
  • Interest repayments
  • How sole proprietors can benefit
  • Strategies for using the funds


Great feedback and testimonials from our participants!
95% rated the webinar Excellent or Good

“This is extremely timely, as we are submitting our PPP loan application today.”

“Thank you for making this presentation available to so many people. The process of applying for assistance is so confusing so I appreciate the help you have provided!”

“Presenters were well organized and very knowledgeable.”