Dear Readers,

It would be hard to imagine a more anticipated New Year’s Eve than the one that
just took place several days ago.

With the loss of life, jobs, and income, and just the overall devastation at the hands
of the COVID-19 coronavirus felt by so many over the past 12 months, the sights
and sounds of welcoming 2021 seemingly couldn’t have come soon enough.

Personally, and professionally, we are still a long way from returning to “normal.”
It is understood that when Jan. 1 arrived on the calendar, it did not magically
erase all the sadness and damage caused by the virus, but it should give everyone
hope that brighter, and healthier days can’t be too far in the near distant future.
For one can only wish that this New Year’s Eve was a symbol of new beginnings,
opportunities, and dreams with much better results.

Over the past several months, Valuation Review has tried to give struggling
appraisers and businesses some optimism as they bravely labored through so many
financial hardships searching for that brighter light at the end of this dark pandemic

We have seen the industry demonstrate so much resiliency in the face of economic
uncertainty, as well as develop many innovative and creative practices within their
businesses to continue thriving, and in some cases, surviving.

Appraisers and other professionals discovered skills that maybe they didn’t even
realize they possessed in terms of transforming their home’s kitchen, living room,
dining room, bedroom, or basement into their “new” office. Working remotely
has proven to be a very successful change, albeit at times, not very welcome. We
have seen a true “coming together,” if you will, within the appraisal profession
with everyone willing to reach out to all, including the competitor, to share ideas
allowing everyone to prosper under the most difficult of times.

Yes, 2020 presented challenges people never dreamed they would face during their
lifetime. But somehow, someway, everyone, including those professionals whose
opinion of value regarding residential and commercial properties means so much
to the consumer, remained positive, and most importantly, relevant. Here is hoping
2021 is the fresh start we are all in need of. Keep me informed about topics of
interest to you during the next 12 months. Stay safe, healthy, and above all, have a
Happy New Year!

Your valued editor,
Mike Holzheimer
Valuation Review Editor